Saturday, 14 May 2011

Rag&Bone Designs.

I'm currently in the process of change...

will continue to run but I'm starting a new adventure, 

My attention will be focused for a while on Rag&Bone 
but don't worry I will be back!

Rag&Bone Designs will focus on creating pictures, illustrations, prints, cards and invitations 
for special occasions, birthdays or just because you fancy buying a nice thing for yourself..

BRIGHTLIGHTS&EYELASHES will be focusing on styling, photography and fashion
over the next few months I'll use these pages to fill with my portfolio of images.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

I'd like to extend an Invitation.....

Before Christmas I designed some Save the Date wedding
stationary and party invitations for the 'The Woodies'

Sophie and Rufus are having a wonderful Italian wedding and wanted a unique 'Save the Date" card that would stand out in the post.
Personalised just for them, I took images of Otranto, symbols of love and The Wedding March music to create a postcard which sets the scene for their big day.

In conjunction with the wedding, it will also be Barbara and Richard's 40th Wedding Anniversary.
A combined party will take place at the family home so again I designed a card which embodied Scoreby Farmhouse as it's friends imagine it including the swallows and pheasants.